Basic Document to be checked before buying a property.

– Title Search Report of minimum last 13 years
– 7/12 Extract from last 1960 to current year
– 8/A Extract
– Demarcation Sheet
– Residential N.A Order
– Residential T.P Sanctioned Layout

FSI ( construction permission)1:1 or More
e.g. For 1000 Sq.ft plot you can construct 1000 Sq.ft and more
1: 0.0375 max upto 400 Sq.Mtrs
e.g. For 1000 Sq.ft plot you cannot construct more than 40 Sq.ft
Floors PermissibleMulti FloorSingle Floor
Purchase AreaMinimum can be from 1,000 Sq.ftMinimum 11,000 Sq.ft (11 Guntha)
LoanAvailableNot Available
PurchaserAny one including NRI even corporate companiesIndividuals holding farmer certificate
SanctionLayout is designed as per the rules of
T.P & is approved by T.P
Not Sanctioned & Not designed as per rules
Type of ConstructionRCC constructionOnly Wooden Shed 
Govt. ApprovalsAll Sanctions from various govt. dept.Not Sanctioned
AppreciationHighest than other propertiesCompared lower